PV GAS to launch emulation movement for emplementing the plans of the year 2020
Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS) will face many difficulties and challenges in this year and next years. To overcome these difficulties, turn these challenges into opportunities and successfully gain the goals of its producing and trading plans, PV GAS’s Executive Board of Trade Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and Veterans Association have launched emulation movement with the main contents as below:
Firstly, to continue operating safely and effectively; to ensure security and safety in all PV GAS’s activities.
Secondly, to emulate to exceed all targets of 2020 plan and to try the best to gain the goals/tasks of the five-year plan within the 2020-2025 period.

Thirdly, to try the best to complete the Thi Vai 01 MMTPA LNG Storage Project in 2022 and its capacity upgrade project to three million tonnes in 2024; the second phase of Nam Con Son 2 adjusted project and Sao Vang-Dai Nguyet gas pipeline project in 2020.
Fourthly, to strengthen research and carry out methods to supply gas flexibly to make up the shortage volume of gas, especially in Thai Binh Province after 2023 and the South - Eastern region before 2023.
Fifthly, to seek opportunities, invest in infrastructure, widen markets and increase the market share of LPG consumption, especially in Northern and Central regions; maintain the market share of LPG wholesale throughout the country over 50 percent.
Sixthly, to stick close on and take initiatives in working with authorities to soon get approval for the Gas Industry Model; PV GAS’s Development Strategy to 2025 and oriented to 2035; the framework of gas prices and tariffs for existing and new gas sources.
Seventhly, to continuously improve administration; manage and use the capitals flexibly and effectively; enhance expense saving; and strengthenthe PV GAS’s staff movement to have new ideas to improve working effective and reduce the cost price.
Finally, to strongly reform PV GAS’s structure to match with its development strategy.