PV GAS implements measures in production to realize energy transition
On August 28, 2023, PV GAS organized a meeting on "Energy Transition and Directions towards Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction" in Vung Tau, with the participation of Mr. Tran Nhat Huy, Vice President, as well as the company’s divisions and units.

Mr. Tran Nhat Huy hosted the meeting
Energy transition – A worldwide urgency
Energy transition is essentially aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, combating climate change (global warming), and ensuring a safe living condition for humanity (keeping the Earth's temperature from rising more than 2°C compared to the pre-industrial era (before 1850), with the ideal target being not to exceed 1.5°C). At the COP 26, countries around the world pledged to achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2050.
PVN/PV GAS and the energy transition
At COP26, Vietnam also demonstrated a strong commitment to achieving NZE by 2050. Based on this, the government has issued several documents regarding objectives, solutions, and greenhouse gas reduction plans for each sector and industry. For the country’s energy sector, the PDP8, Document No. 500/QĐ-TTg dated May 15, 2023, and the Energy Plan No. 893/QĐ-TTg dated July 26, 2023 act as roadmaps.
In alignment with the directions and guidance of PVN, PV GAS has been developing and implementing key orientations, including:
- Researching and applying energy-saving solutions to optimize energy and fuel usage, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in production facilities.
- Developing LNG import projects in the form of "LNG Hubs" connected to gas power plants and existing customers, expanding into new markets, and replacing high-emission fuels with gas.
- Supplying gas sources to petrochemical projects and participating in investments in feasible oil refining projects, making gas not only a fuel for combustion but also source for production to reduce CO2 emissions.
- Researching and participating in the Green H2 (hydrogen) and Green NH3 (ammonia) production and business value chains by maximizing the utilization of existing infrastructure and investing in the advanced one.

Mr. Hoang Minh – General Manager of PV GAS Nam Con Son Pipeline Company joint in discussions on behalf of the company

Divisions and units gave their opinions, contributing to the enthusiasm of the meeting
Urgent to reduce greenhouse emissions
Mr. Tran Nhat Huy concluded the meeting with guidance to the divisions and production units on immediate actions to concretize PV GAS's energy transition, including:
- Researching and applying optimal green solutions in the operation and maintenance of PV GAS' facilities.
- Strengthening awareness and dissemination of the energy transition trend. Production units were commanded to achieve specific targets set to 2030 for energy consumption and greenhouse emission reduction a an annual basis.
- Encouraging the planting of greenery at production facilities to maintain a clean working environment.
- Implementing research projects and experiments on blending Green H2 (hydrogen) with natural gas, utilizing PV GAS's existing infrastructure to supply it to planned consumer households, as approved by the Corporation.

All for PV GAS’ green transition
With clear plans and closely aligned with the government and PVN's energy transition directions and strategies, PV GAS will consistently strive to make a positive contribution to the national goal of achieving Net Zero Emissions by the year 2050.