PV GAS launches an emulation movement for finishing maintenance and repair of gas system in 2021
To effectively and practically celebrate the 31st anniversary of Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS) (September 20, 1990 - September 20, 2021), especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic’s complex evolution, its Trade Union and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union have launched an emulation movement that has appealed to its employees to ensure safety, quality and schedules in maintenance and repair of Cuu Long and PM3 Ca Mau gas systems in 2021.
The emulation has aimed to no occupational accidents happening during these systems have stopped supplying gas; quality in completion of all tasks on schedule during this period; and the system meeting standards to receive gas as soon as Vietsovpetro and field owners supply gas again.

Finishing the maintenance and repair of Cuu Long and PM3 Ca Mau gas systems is very important, contributing to achieving goals in the production and trade plan of PV GAS in this year. The key units are PetroVietnam Gas Vungtau Processing Company (PV GAS VT), PetroVietnam Gas Ca Mau Company (PV GAS CAMAU), PetroVietnam Gas South East Transmission Company (PV GAS SE), and PetroVietnam Gas Services Company (PV GAS Services). Therefore, the PV GAS Trade Union and the Youth Union have instructed their counterparts of the relevant units to sign the emulation commitment to carry out the three targets; propagandize and mobilize union members and employees to voluntarily comply with regulations on occupational safety and health - fire prevention and fighting, and the Covid-19 prevention and control in order to ensure absolute safety for people, property and environment during the Cuu Long and PM3 Ca Mau gas systems stop supplying gas.
PV GAS Trade Union and Youth Union also have called on the units to collaborate in providing logistic services well and taking care of employees working in this period, especially effectively applying “three-on-the-spot" principle; encouraging and supporting employees to have new initiatives and solutions to overcome difficulties, and finish the maintenance of Cuu Long and PM3 Ca Mau gas systems safely, effectively and on schedule in 2021.
The maintenance of Cuu Long gas system in 2021 is being carried out within six days in September and at the same time, other units in the gas value chain also are under maintenance. Moreover, the PM3 Ca Mau gas system’s maintenance in 2021 will be implemented on November 10- 16.