O&M of Rong and Doi Moi Gas Compression Plant completed ahead of schedule with absolute safety
As part of its operations and maintenance (O&M) plan in 2024, from 14 to 18 October 2024, PV GAS South East Transmission Company (PV GAS) completed the O&M of the Rong – Doi Moi gas compression plant (DGCP), which was 30 hours ahead of schedule
PV GAS SE executing O&M
PV GAS SE, in collaboration with PV GAS SERVICES, Vietsovpetro (VSP), and subcontractors, accomplished 64 organizational and technical measures (OTMs), including tasks deemed risky, such as lifting heavy objects, welding and cutting, and handling hazardous gases within tight-spaced tanks.
The collaboration among units
PV GAS led 12 out of the 14 main O&M tasks at DGCP, with extensive work with high technical requirements, such as: “Replacing/repairing Sealgas Heater A,” “Repairing and replacing corroded, damaged process pipelines,” “Maintaining and adjusting the Yokogawa system,” “Inspecting and calibrating measurement devices,” and “Replacing process valves.” Overcoming challenges from weather conditions and space constraints, the entire team carried out high-quality completion of all 64 O&M tasks, 30 hours ahead of the planned schedule.
Rong and Doi Moi gas compression plant
DGCP is a project jointly invested by Petrovietnam and PV GAS, with VSP serving as the general contractor. Since 2012, DGCP has been operational and managed by PV GAS/PV GAS SE. Its primary mission is to collect previously flared associated gas, compress it, and supply gaslift for VSP’s oil extraction in the Rong and Doi Moi fields, helping to reduce the amount of gaslift from the central compression plant at the Bach Ho fields and increase gas flow to the mainland.