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Vice President of Myanmar to visit PV Gas

By the end of March 2013, at the invitation of Her Excellency Vietnam’s Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, His Excellency Vice President of Republic of the Union of Myanmar - Mr. Nyan Tun had visited Vietnam for the first time in his position as the Vice President. President Truong Tan Sang and Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan welcome the Myanmar Vice President in Hanoi and emphasized that his visit had positively ‘s contributed to the enhancement of current traditional friendship relations and good cooperation among the two countries. It is mutually affirmed that both parties will maintain the current bilateral effective cooperation to solve problems, strengthen the cooperation in many fields, and commit to actively promote the implementation of high-level agreements mutually reached by the two countries.

On March 22, the senior delegation of Myanmar led by HE Vice President Nyan Tun had visited Ho Chi Minh City. At the evening meeting on that day with the Secretary of HCMC’s Party Committee – Mr. Le Thanh Hai, HE Vice President Nyan Tun thanked to the warm reception of the City leaders to the Vice President in particular and the senior delegation of Myanmar in general. HE Vice President Nyan Tun said Myanmar is very willing to support and welcome enterprises from Vietnam generally and from Ho Chi Minh City particularly to Myanmar for investment and cooperation.

In the morning of March 23, 2013, the Vice President and Myanmar senior government delegation had visited a number of projects including PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS) at economic development region - the southern new urban area of Ho Chi Minh City. As one of major corporations directly under the National Oil and Gas Group Vietnam and the only enterprise that has been assigned responsibilities by the Government for the construction and development of the gas industry in Vietnam, PV Gas has moved its headquarters to the current location in Nha Be District for over 2 years for the purpose of integration and development with Ho Chi Minh City - an economic center of the country and a reputation market domestically and internationally.

Delivering a reception speech, Mr. Hung Tran Hien – Vice President of PV GAS had greatly welcome the Myanmar Vice President and the senior government delegation, also expressing the desire to boost the cooperation with partners from Myanmar - a country with potential development of petroleum industry - in the spirit of respect and solidarity among ASEAN countries; and wishing the Vice President and all the guests a helpful and warm visit to Vietnam.
In order to commemorate the visit, PV GAS had also given a traditional embroidery painting of Vietnam to the Vice President.                              

«March 2025»


Address: Floor 12-15, PV GAS TOWER, No. 673 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Phuoc Kien Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone: +84.28. 3781 6777 Fax: +84.28. 3781 5666 Email: pvgas@pvgas.com.vn

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