GAS leading the profitable listed companies in 2012

In 2012, there were 25 enterprises achieving the pre-tax profit of more than VND 500 billion on the overall stock market. In which, the large enterprise making the highest profit before tax was Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (with the stock name known as GAS) which contributed the pre-tax profit of over VND 12,000 billion.
The total profit was mainly made from the Top 20 listed companies which accounted for nearly 73% of pre-tax profit of listed companies. Besides the large-scale capital, most of these enterprises were commercial banks, insurance companies, oil and gas ‘originated’ companies and some construction, real estate, technologies companies…
The picture of listed companies is relatively ‘nice’ compared to the general economic overview but, in fact, the listed companies had stepped ‘backward’ in 2012 compared to itself over 2 years of 2011-2012. An aggregate data showed that, exclusive of two businesses (with high profitability of loss) that haven’t issued its audited financial statement in 2012, total pre-tax profit from nearly 700 enterprises was about VND 85,000 billion which decreased 7,000 billion dongs compared to the profit of VND 92,102 billion in 2011. Especially, such the decrease of pre-tax profit in 2012 compared to 2011 could even be worse without the mutation on profit of GAS and PPC. Meanwhile, the minor change in total revenue and significant decrease of profit in 2012 compared to 2011 has showed the big difficulties for businesses in 2012. 
Among profitable listed companies, there were nearly 300 enterprises had the profit increased in 2012 compared to the previous year. Some businesses had significant decrease of pre-tax profit in 2012 such as: EIB, ACB, STB, PHR, HAG, DIG, NVB, PVX… Some others had the low interest and profit from other income but not from business activities.