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Categories: PV GAS News

PV GAS strengthens security, safety, and fire prevention and fighting during Tet holidays and the 2021 dry season

The peak of dry season and upcoming Tet holidays often pose risks of unsafety, insecurity and fires. To prevent fires and explosion incidents and to ensure security - safety for production and business, construction and investment, works, offices, material warehouses, LPG and CNG transport vehicles at its units, Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS) has urgently instructed to strengthen security - safety - fire prevention and fighting during the New Year, Lunar Tet and dry season in 2021.

Specifically, PV GAS General Director has required all units to check conditions and environment to ensure security and safety and to prevent and fight against fires; to accredit quality of works and equipment; and to comply with legal regulations of fire and explosion insurance. Moreover, they should check and supervise compliance with regulations on safety, and fire prevention and fighting by employees, contractors and visitors to gas works. Forces and appliances for fire protection and fighting should be provided sufficiently. Guards should regularly patrol to detect and prevent the risk of fires.

To protect the safety pipeline corridor, around the gas works, the units continue strengthening communication and removing grass, trees, garbage and ignition sources at the pipeline corridor and around gas works; Collaborating with Police, Border Guard, Coast Guard, departments, agencies, local authorities to effectively carry out the signed security, safety and fire protection and fighting plans.

At offices and workplaces, files, documents and devices must be arranged in order and neatly. They must strictly control sources of heat, fire, flammable and explosive substances; Check and turn off all power sources and equipment before leaving and making sure fire extinguishing equipment available and well-worked.

Besides responding to risks of insecurity, unsafety, fire and explosion prevention, PV GAS leaders also have instructed all employees to seriously comply with the regulations on Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control, to ensure traffic orders and safety, and to keep security and orders at localities.

During Tet holidays, PV GAS still will ensure security and safety like doing in working days; maintain shifts for emergency response and ensure smooth communication. This thoughtful preparation and implementation does not only ensure safety for gas facilities, but also contributes to keeping a happy and peaceful spring for the community.

«October 2024»


Address: Floor 12-15, PV GAS TOWER, No. 673 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Phuoc Kien Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone: +84.28. 3781 6777 Fax: +84.28. 3781 5666 Email: pvgas@pvgas.com.vn

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